And there’s always some crazy story in the press about the side effects of skin lightening, especially since so many of these products are made in marketed in sleazy ways. The problem is, the press tends to ignore the really legitimate reasons people may need lighter skin.
A lot of people aren’t looking to lighten their overall skin tone – they just want to remove ugly spots that have ruined their complexion. Still other people have really sensitive skin. If you’ve tried a new lotion or soap only to find your skin becoming discolored, then it makes perfect sense to want to reverse that kind of damage!
Here are some things you can do to get lighter skin:
Foods that are high in sulfur will help lighten your skin. Eggs, liver, cauliflower, and onions are all rich in sulfur and can improve the tone and quality of your skin. You can also drink water. A few cups every day will gradually moisturize your skin and even the tone.
Whenever I mention sunscreen, people with bad skin roll their eyes… but maybe that’s how they got bad skin in the first place. The sun has real, nasty, and lasting effects on our skin. Even on a cloudy day, the sun’s rays can contribute to cracks, wrinkles, and a dodgy skin tone. There’s only one foolproof way to sidestep those effects, and that’s by applying sunscreen before you go out, no matter what time of year it is.
How To Get Fair Skin# Sleep with a facial masque
Cucumbers are used in all kinds of high end products for a reason. Rub a cucumber into your skin and let its natural whitening work for you overnight. You can also make a paste using lime juice and turmeric powder. You also shouldn’t neglect the power of lemon juice in lightening your face – the citric acid breaks down dead cells and encourages natural cell growth.
How To Get Fair Skin# Use a skin lightening product
Now, there are two ways to do this – you can go to the store, buy ingredients, and mix them yourself. This could potentially develop into a huge hassle, and you can guess why – you’re going to be spending all day fighting through traffic and running through stores to find ingredients (unless you live near a farmer’s market), and the process of actually mixing the stuff up isn’t any less arduous. On the other hand, it’s a lot less expensive.
Secondly, you can buy a skin lightening cream. This is going to deliver faster results than splashing lemons on your skin, especially if you’ve already got a healthy diet or have a dark complexion.
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